Rural Environmental Support

Provider Name Contact Information Description
Kansas Rural Center
(866) 579-5469
The Kansas Rural Center has a goal to promote the long-term health of the land and its people through research, education and advocacy that advances an economically viable, ecologically sound, and socially just food and farming system. They have an emphasis on sustainable agriculture.
No Tyson Sedgwick County
No Tyson Sedgwick County is a local community organization that fought to stop a Tyson CAFO in Sedgwick County, Kanasas. They might be able to give advice about how to start a community organization to stop a CAFO. The best way to contact them is through their Facebook page.
Northwestern Law Environmental Advocacy Clinic
(312) 503-0052
The Northwestern Law Environmental Advocacy Clinic is a law school environmental advocacy clinic that is staffed by environmental lawyers working with law students, generally on a pro bono basis.