One Rural

The One Rural Collective promotes rural environmental justice by supporting existing community efforts and addressing areas of urgent need. The collective links communities, academic institutions, and organizations to provide direct support and legal aid for rural people.

We envision a future where:

*Rural people direct decisions about matters that impact them most.
*Government policies remove cost-benefit analyses that treat the rural as cheaper, lesser, and sparser, and instead treat the rural as valuable, necessary, and bountiful.
*Universities and communities exchange methodologies and data to do action-oriented research.
*Rural people more easily access the support that they need to sustain, defend or restore their social, ecological and agricultural good. Check out our Get Help Tab.
*Laws that impact rural people become transparent, navigable, and reformable. Check out our RTF summaries.
*Urban-rural reciprocity replaces extraction.
*Rural people celebrate and strengthen their bonds through diversity.
*Tackling inequality between each other today creates the conditions for a new tomorrow.

For more details on the one justice concept that inspires One Rural, see Bell, Michael M., Loka Ashwood, Isaac John Leslie, and Laura Hanson Schlachter. 2020. An Invitation to Environmental Sociology: 6th edition. Thousand Oaks, California: Sage Press.