Rural Environmental Support

Provider Name Contact Information Description
Earth Charter
(317) 525-1856
Earth Charter Indiana exists to inspire and advance sustainable, just and peaceful living in Indiana by promoting the values and principles of the Earth Charter. Their focus is on intergenerational action and education in the face of our climate crisis, what we can do to mitigate the crisis, and how we can adapt with dignity and resilience. To serve their mission they support education of youth regarding climate impacts, and to support them in expressing themselves to make their voice heard.
Hoosier Action
Hoosier Environmental Council
The Hoosier Environmental Council works to build a sustainable economy, ensure environmental health and justice, and protect water and wilderness in Indiana. The Council is a non-profit organization doing legal, community-based, and advocacy work, including research and technical assistance. People seeking help from the Council should first visit the website address listed here (
Northwestern Law Environmental Advocacy Clinic
(312) 503-0052
The Northwestern Law Environmental Advocacy Clinic is a law school environmental advocacy clinic that is staffed by environmental lawyers working with law students, generally on a pro bono basis.